This is my first 3D printed plane! Loved the project, learned so much. Flew the DC6 last week, unfortunately I was the only one to show up at our field, I don't have any video of the first flight. It flew beautifully! Required zero trim adjustments, landed very lightly but still snapped off the nose gear lol. No other damage. Very happy. Still need to find decals to finish it off.

I have a prusa mk3, used hatchbox pla filament . I was having lots of printer problems using prusa slicer. I couldn't translate the Cura slicer settings to prusa slicer. I ended up having to learn Cura. It ended up being fairly easy using Troy's settings .
Very nice build. I struggling right now trying to slice in Bambu Studio and print on my X1C. What printer, slicer and filaments did you use?